Rodney Howard Browne – Allen B.

Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.

The Lord has really put the area of finances on my heart lastly. Showing me how important it is to just give God what is His. Really what is the big deal about at less giving Him what is His! 10%! That’s all He asks for. So little He asks from us, compared to the Cross it’s nothing! I have seen what God can do when you just put your faith in Him.

The Lord told me to just Him in this area and I said I trust you Lord. The Lord has provided from unknown areas to provide me with finances for weeks. Put your faith in God! His word dose not return void! This is the one thing in the entire word of God that we are allowed to test Him in! We have free rain to test the creator of the world with this! I don’t know about you, but I am taking God up on His word! I am convinced through this we the body of Christ can fund the end time harvest of souls!