Testimony by Taylor M.

Jeremiah 29:11. He knows the thoughts and plans He has for me. Thoughts and plans for welfare and peace, not of evil, and to give me hope in my final outcome! I know that He has plans for my very well-being! This gives me the assurance that no matter how many times I mess up, God still loves me and will never change the course He has for me!

Testimony by Mr. Mitchell

Friday, we came outside our home to drive to school in the morning and our tires and rims were stolen off our car. It couldn’t have happened at a worst time. I went in the house and began to pray for about 20mins. The Lord spoke to me and said He would take care of it. That same day, I spoke with my brother and he came by and dropped off his car for us to drive for the week. Then, that Sunday (two days later) we spoke with our friend from out of town and she said to go get rims and tires. She paid for everything. She not only paid for the rims and tires but sent an extra $500 which paid for some other bills. Then, the insurance company called and said they woould also reimburse us with two checks. We received one already for $767 and the other is on the way. I can say now truly that God is my provider and takes care of all my needs.