God leaves me in awe of his greatness – Rodney Howard Browne

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Once again, God leaves me in awe of his greatness. This week like always is another supernatural week.  I answered phones for 2 nights this week in the call center. Wow that is awesome! So many people calling! So many calling to get filled with the Holy Ghost and FIRE!  They want more of Jesus or they want Jesus. People getting healed and set free. Thank you Jesus!  One testimony from a caller about her son really touched my heart. She said her son (named the same as my oldest son) was in a car accident 18 years ago and they called her and said he was in the hospital and that she didn’t have to hurry he would already be dead. Wow, how horrible! But she said she thanked God all the way there for her son and she heard God speak to her, scripture. She arrived and he was still alive and today he still lives with her. He’s 38 now with severe brain damage and he always say’s he seen Jesus and he sent him back here. I had great compassion for this lady and her son. I prayed for her salvation and healing for her son. I believe he’s healed and going to lead millions to Jesus. Three days before this call I had a huge fight with my oldest son. What he did was totally inspired by the devil and I was mad. I forgave him but I was hurt. This call made me realize how quickly we can take for granted the precious child God has given to us, even to be mad one hour is too long, even a minute. While I may always be thankful for my children I won’t ever stop thanking him while going through a storm. –Mary H.