Rodney Howard Browne – Eddy L. Testimony

This week has been amazing. God has used this time in the winter camp meeting in such a miraculous way to work on my heart and character. There has been a time since I feel like I’m fighting against the wall but in this week I finally got my breakthrough. It seems like somehow I have given way to much attention to the things and situations around me that was distracting me all this time long. I was using way to much my head trying to figure out how to solve problems, make everything work and lead my daily walk. God can’t change your situation, character and heart if you are not trusting Him completely.

There is no way to trust God partially.  It is the same about anointing. Pastor Rodney was teaching a lot on anointing this week but nothing will happen if the heart is not open and there is no willingness to yield to the Holy Spirit completely. And is something I was missing out lately. I gave to much place to enemy and my flesh that I lost the point of walking in the anointing on daily basis. And thank you Jesus that He led me back to His roots. Focusing our hearts to the Lord and yielding completely.  –Eddy L.