Rodney Howard Browne – Susan P. Testimony

Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.

I’m not one of the people who have been radically transformed and lead 50 people to Christ each week. At first I was embarrassed to write anything because I felt like I can’t say that my life has changed. I had to take a step back to see if there really was a change. After looking at the whole school year, I can say ‘Yes’.

The first thing I noticed is I’m actually going out and winning people to Christ and liking it. I’ve gone out with my former church and on a couple of the GAT’s, but now I’m much more comfortable with soul winning.

I haven’t prayed with large numbers of people since I’m mainly going door to door in the projects. I’ve spoken with a large number of people and prayed with quite a few of them. Many were already saved so that opened the door for praying for needs. Door knocking was very hard for me at first. Now I enjoy it.

I’ve started praying with people for healing and the baptism in the Holy Spirit. I didn’t think I’d ever do that. It’s very cool when you’re praying with a person and he starts speaking in other tongues. I’m not sure who’s more excited; him or me!

I think the biggest thing I’ve noticed is that I don’t take rejection personally any more. I have always been a very timid, self conscious person. If someone would walk away without praying, I’d be devastated. This year I’ve had doors slammed in my face, people turn and walk away, people get angry and make nasty remarks and it’s almost like I didn’t notice it.

For me, this is just the beginning. I expect more boldness each time I go on the streets and I expect God to be there with signs and wonders following as His Word goes forth.